Backup & Recovery
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Is all of your important business data backed up to a secure off-site location? Do you have the ability to recover all of your systems in a timely manner? Do you have a Business Continuity Plan in place in event of a fire, natural disaster, power outage or security attack?
Mercury IT offers a range of Backup and Recovery Services, tailored to the size of your organisation, your budget, and your requirements for seamless business continuity.
We Feature
On Site
Off Site
Disaster Recovery
With our complete solution your backup data is captured, encrypted, compressed, and sent to our data centre nearest you in either Sydney, Auckland or Wellington for secure storage. We then replicate your backup data to a second data centre, providing you with a multi-site geographical backup solution.

We can create various recovery points, so that you have the choice of system restore points, one of which can be implemented depending on when a system issue occurred.
Our backup software enables simple automated scheduling of backups, and immediate restores.
We can guide your organisation in Business Continuity Planning, and Disaster Recovery Planning, to ensure minimum disruption to your business in the event of an outage.
For added peace of mind, in the event of a serious disaster, we can offer guaranteed server resource to restore your systems utilising our own hardware infrastructure if required.

Managed services for a complete backup and recovery solution
All data held off-site in a secure data centre
Geographically-diverse storage
Business Continuity Planning
Disaster Recovery Planning
Instant recovery options
Dedicated resource options
Up to 24/7 support